दुनिया भर में काम कर रहे आईआईटी, कानपुर से निकले सैक़ड़ों पूर्व और वर्तमान छात्रों ने मानवाधिकारवादी और वकील सुधा भारद्वाज सहित पाँच बुद्धिजीवियों को तत्काल रिहा करने की माँग की है। उनका आरोप है कि इन लोगों को मनगढ़ंत आरोपों के तहत फँसाया जा रहा है। ये सभी लोग सुप्रीम कोर्ट के निर्देश पर अपने-अपने घरों में नज़रबंद हैं। पुलिस ने भीमा कोरेगाँव हिंसा का जिम्मेदार बताते हुए इन्हें कथित रूप से प्रधानमंत्री मोदी की हत्या की साज़िश का भी आरोप लगाया है।
सुधा भारद्वाज ने 1979 से 1984 के बीच आईआईटी, कानपुर में पढ़ाई की थी। करीब 175 पूर्व छात्रों ने एक बयान पर हस्ताक्षर किए हैं जिसमें सुधा भारद्वाज समेत सभी नज़रबंद बुद्धिजीवियों को रिहा करने की माँग की गई है। हस्ताक्षर करने वालों में पूर्व और वर्तमान छात्रों के अलावा शोधार्थी शिक्षक, स्टाफ़ और किसी भी रूप में इस संस्थान से जुड़े लोग शामिल हैं। इनमें कई विदश में कार्यरत हैं।
नीचे पढ़िए बयान और उसके भी नीचे हस्ताक्षर–
Statement demanding immediate release of writers, activists and human rights defenders
We, a group of alumni of IIT Kanpur and others as students, researchers, faculty, staff and other community members affiliated with the same institute strongly condemn the arrest of IIT Kanpur alumna SudhaBharadwaj (Integrated MSc., Mathematics, 1979-1984) and other activists namely, Vernon Gonsalves, Arun Ferreira, GautamNavlakha and VaravaraRao, and the raiding of houses of AnandTeltumbde, K. Satyanarayana and Stan Swamy among many others. These arrests seem to be a mere sequel in an ongoing attempt to intimidate and arrest activists, eminent writers, professors, journalists, and human rights defenders around the country.
SudhaBhardwaj has a public record of dedicating herself to the most marginalized through her work spanning more than thirty years. She finished her integrated bachelors and masters program of Dept of Mathematics, IIT Kanpur, in 1984. Already socially conscious as a student, by 1986 she had moved to Chhattisgarh working with a workers’ organization and trade union in the mining-industrial belt of central Chhattisgarh. It is here she found her calling as a trade unionist, and later, as a lawyer. We have compiled a short biography of her long journey athttps://goo.gl/J6F9kK – it is clear that she dedicated herself entirely to the most vulnerable and powerless, working through the rights and frameworks guaranteed in the Indian constitution.
The invoking of UAPA against SudhaBharadwaj which – given its unduly harsh provisions – would ensure long term incarceration and denial of bail, is a travesty of justice given her long record of legal and social work. The charges against her appear to be totally concocted: the contradictory nature of the public statements issued by the prosecution suggests as much, as does even a cursory glance at the prime evidence in the form of a letter allegedly written by her. It is also very curious that the dubious letters are entirely unaccompanied by any further evidence and were first leaked to selective media outlets, and the prosecution seems to be more prepared for a “media trial” than an actual one (see https://goo.gl/KtD55m )for a summary of recent events in perspective).
With what appears to be a clear fabrication of facts, it looks like an attempt to malign her reputation and discredit her causes. The cases of other arrests seem to be similar.
In standing with the dispossessed and tirelessly bringing their issues within the ambit of the legal system, she has only strengthened the impulse of inclusive development that must be the bedrock of any modern democracy. It is no coincidence then, that a large number of public intellectuals, bureaucrats, academics, and members of the general public have come out in her support. To their voices we add ours, as members of an institution where this distinguished alumna spent her early years.
We, the undersigned, demand an immediate and unconditional release of Ms. Bhardwaj and all others who have been arrested. We also exhort an independent and impartial investigation by the National Human Rights Commission into the circumstances of their arrests.
- We encourage you to fill this form to sign this statement: https://goo.gl/forms/YgJejpBAjTcnqOw53
- Should you have any further queries or comments, please drop an email to us at iitk.nomorefakecharges@gmail.com
KuverSinha (MS 2001), Carl T Bush Professor of Theoretical Physics, University of Oklahoma
VaibhavVaish (B. Tech 2004), Inspire Faculty, ISI Bangalore
Vaibhav Kumar (M. Tech 2013)
Dr. V N Sharma (M. Tech 1978)
Giriraj Kishore, Ex-Registrar, IITK
Sunil Sahasrabudhey (Student 1981), Vidya Ashram, Varanasi
Amit Singh (B. Tech 2005), Adjunct Faculty, Dept of Mechanics, Virginia Tech
Ashok Gupta (B. Tech 1972), Emeritus Professor. Ohio University
SushilHanda (B. Tech 1966)
RajendraSahai (B. Tech 1966) Member, Institute for Critical Study of Society, Oakland, California
Vivek Kr. Mehta (M.Tech 2005, PhD 2013), Assistant Professor, Tezpur University, Assam
ArunKarthik B. (MBA 2010)
HimanshuSrivastava (B. Tech 2004), PhD Student, HomiBhabha Centre for Science Education
DeepankarBasu (B. Tech 1994), Associate Professor, Department of Economics, University of Massachusetts Amherst
VikasDubey, PhD Student, IIT Kanpur, 2013-Present
- Pradeep Kumar, PhD Student, IIT Kanpur
Dheeraj Singh (B. Tech 2004)
Manu Agrawal (MBA 2011)
Akshaya Kumar (B. Tech 2003)
AravindMuthusamy (M. Des 2010)
Rahul Varman, Professor, IIT Kanpur
SuchitraMathur, Faculty, IIT Kanpur
Abha Sur (PhD student from 1973-75), Faculty, Program in Science, Technology and Society, MIT, USA
Jaya Jha (B. Tech 2004)
SandeepPandey (Visiting Faculty, 1992-93 (3 Semesters), Social Activist, Visiting Professor, IIM Ahmedabad & NALSAR, Hyderabad
PreetiSood (B. Tech 2003)
AtifHussain (B. Tech)
George Kandathil (M. Tech)
Vijai Kumar (Alumnus)
Paul Mathew, PhD Student, IIT Kanpur, 2013-Present
V Giridhar (MBA 2004)
Binoy (PhD 2012)
Rhythm Grover, PhD Student, IIT Kanpur, 2014-Present
Arvind (Alumnus), Professor, IISER Mohali
Sanil. V (PhD 1995), Faculty, IIT Delhi
Aman Gupta (B. Tech 2015)
Manu Kanchan, PhD Student, IIT Kanpur
Akshay Bajaj, MSR Student, IIT Kanpur
MohiniMullick, Retired professor, IIT Kanpur
Sakthivel T. (PhD 2017)
Bharat Bhushan, PhD Student, IIT Kanpur
NirmaliGoswami (PhD 2011), Faculty, Tezpur University, Assam
Harish Karnick (M. Tech 1977, PhD 1984), Emeritus Fellow, IIT Kanpur
KumariJahnavi (B. Tech 2006)
Ankit Nigam (MBA 2011)
ShauryaAarav (B. Tech), Graduate Student, Princeton University
GauravBajpai (B. Tech 2005)
Siddhartha Chaudhuri (B. Tech 2005), Assistant Professor, IIT Bombay
Neelesh Kumar (B. Tech 2015)
IrfanQayoom, PhD Student, IIT Kanpur, 2015-Present
Shalini Kumar (B. Tech 2003)
Gaganjot, PhD Student, IIT Kanpur, 2015-Present
MohdUsman, Doctoral Scholar, IIT Kanpur
ShikhaChauhan (B. Tech 2004)
ShobhaMadan (1975-1980), Alumna, Retired Faculty, IIT Kanpur
KaushikaDraavid, Research Scholar, 2013-Present
NISHANT (B. Tech, M. Tech 2011), Doctoral Student, IIT Delhi
G.V. Ravindra (Integrated M.Sc 1995), U Missouri, St. Louis
BhavnaBhalla (PhD 2010)
Anjani Kumar, Alumnus
Ayush Mukherjee, Alumnus 2018
Sambit (B. Tech 2013)
AnkurDutt (B. Tech 2002)
AmitTripathi (B. Tech 2003), IIT Hyderabad
VivekKushwaha, Alumnus
Divyanshu Patel (Btech/ChE/2017)
Surya Kant, PhD Student, IIT Kanpur ,2015-Present
AnkitTripathi (B. Tech 2015)
Gautam P S (B. Tech 2016)
VipulGoyal, Alumnus, IIT K
GopalRaghavan (B. Tech 1982)
VishvMalhotra (M Tech(EEE, 1976), PhD(1981)), Faculty (CSE) Retired
Manish Mishra (B. Tech 2004), Assistant Professor, IISER Pune
- Ranjith, Sr. Project Associate (Cognitive Science), IIT Kanpur
Manish Gautam (B. Tech), Engineer at Arcadis
Sumantran Ray, Ph.D. Scholar, IIT KANPUR
ParthVaswani (B. Tech 2016)
Amman Madan (Ex-faculty, IIT Kanpur), AzimPremji University, Bengaluru
Mini Chandran, Professor, IIT Kanpur
SrinivasBudaraju (B.Tech 1982), Chemical Engineer, USA
SiddharthRamachandran (B.Tech 1987-1991), Professor, Boston University
SambuddhaSen (M.Sc 2013), PhD Student, The Ohio State University
SaurabhAnandPrakash, Alumnus
Rakesh, Alumnus
KapilHariParanjape (MS 5yr Mathematics 1977-82), IISER Mohali
ArchakPurkayastha (Alumnus), ICTS Visiting Fellow
KetanBagga (MBA, 2015) Amazon
Madhurkhanna (M. Tech 2001)
SudeshnaSinha (Int MSc 1980-1985), IISER Mohali
Bhaswati (Ganguly) Laha (M.Sc. Integrated 1985)
Ramakrishna Majumder (MBA 2014), Infosys, Bangalore
AkshatDinkarTiwari (Alumnus), working at Infosys
SandeepShukla, Professor of Computer Science, IITK
LokeshJain (Alumnus, 2010-2015)
Rahul Pandey (B. Tech), Entrepreneur and Visiting faculty with IIM Lucknow
ShashiKuppa (B. Tech, 1985), U.S. DOT
Ragavendiran, PhD Student, IIT Kanpur
Ronnie Sebastian, IIT Bombay
Prateek (B.Tech 2016), Student
SibnathMazumdar (Alumnus), Retired
A P Shukla, Retired Faculty, IIT Kanpur
SandeepAgarwal (B. Tech 1983)
SeemaNarain (Ph.D. 2010 & M Tech. 2002)
SarvendraYadav (PhD 2013), Faculty, Dr. HarisinghGour University Sagar (M.P.)
AbhayaAgarwal (B.Tech. 2003)
SangharshAglave (BT/CS/2015), Masters Student at Georgia Institute of Technology
Nitish Pant, B. Tech Student, IIT Kanpur, 2015-present
ShamimAkhter (MBA (IME) 2007)
SrivaniNarra (B.Tech 2005)
AnuragSahay (BS-MS Dual, 2011-2016)
Dr C B Choudhary (M.Tech. & Ph.D. Met Engg, 1966-75), National Treasurer, Samajwadi Jan parishad, A registered Political Party
UtpalLahiri (B. Tech 1984), Faculty, English and Foreign Languages University, Hyderabad
Praval Kumar Singh (Student 1966-, Roll No 66160) Retired engineer Currently at Varanasi
AbhishekGhosh, PhD Scholar, IIT Kanpur, 2013-Present
AbhinavManchanda (B. Tech, Aerospace, 2006), Entrepreneur
SantoshAnand (B.Tech, 98331)
YogishHolla (MSc Mathematics (int) , 1994), Tata Institute of Fundamental Research, Mumbai
Arun Kumar (B. Tech., EE, 1975), Chief Technical Officer, Engg, Inc.
Santhosh Kumar T, M. Tech student at IIT Kanpur, Hall 11, 2017-Present
Ashutosh Gupta (B. Tech 2004), Associate Professor, IIT Bombay
AjeetaNyola , Alumna, Batch of 2005
KanishManuja (B. Tech – M. Tech 2014), Software Engineer Microsoft
AbhijitMitra (Alumnus 1971-1978), Professor, IIIT Hyderabad
- S. Gandhi, Faculty of IIT Kanpur (1971-86)
SujataKar (Alumni), IIT Roorkee
PremAnandMurugan, PhD student. IIT Kanpur
Manojkumar, Alumnus 2010-2014
JishnuBiswas (MSc Integrated 1984-89), Indian Statistical Institute Bangalore Center
Prathmesh Kant (Alumnus), co-founder and CEO Aggois
Sumati Surya (Msc, IIT Kanpur), Raman Research Institute
SanjibSabhapandit (Alumnus) RRI Bangalore
Rajat Mittal, Faculty at IIT Kanpur
DheerendraTiwari (BT-MT dual degree Y6), VLSI Engineer
SankalpTiwari (Dual degree (2008-2013)), PhD (2014-ongoing), IIT Kanpur
Shahid Anwar, Batch of 75
Kalyan Banerjee , Retired Physics Faculty of IIT Kanpur
Drupad Ram (B. Tech 1975, M. Tech 1978), Social worker and human rights activist.
ArchismanGhosh (Msc-I/PHY/2001-2006), Nikhef – National Institute of Subatomic Physics
GauravAgrawal (B.Tech. 2004)
Shiraz Minwalla, Senior Professor, TIFR (MSc Physics (5yr) 1995)
Spenta R. Wadia, International Centre for Theoretical Sciences (ICTS), Tata Institute of Fundamental Research, Bangalore, (MSc-Physics 1973)
M.K.Balasubramanya, Professor and Dean, College of Arts and Sciences, Texas A&M University-San Antonio, M.Sc. Physics (Integrated) 1980-85
AtishDabholkar, Head, High Energy Physics Section, International Centre for Theoretical Physics, Trieste, Italy, 1980-1985 MSc Physics
Aneesh M, Indian Statistical Institute Bangalore, PhD IIT Kanpur.
Subhojoy Gupta, Indian Institute of Science, MSc. (Integrated), 2001-2006
Rajesh Gopakumar, Theoretical Physicist, MSc. (Physics, 5 year, 1987-92)
Gagan, PhD Student (present)
AbhaVarma, (PhD 1981-1986)
Anurag K. Singh, University of Utah (MSc 1987-1992)
Srilatha G Singh, Axa (MscMaths 87-92)
Babu R, PhD Student (present)
Hari Shankar, Student, B.Tech (2014-Present)
Rajorshi (PhD student IITK), Research scholar in HSS
Shilpi (IITK employee’s spouse)
GrishmaUdani (M.ScIntg. 2000-05)
Mahan Mj, Tata Institute of Fundamental Research, Mumbai. (MSc Mathematics (1987-92))
Naresh Kumar Sharma, Professor, Univ of Hyderabad (B. Tech. 1979)
SudhirChandratreya, Retired (B.Tech. 1974)
Arunima K, Ph.D. Scholar at IIT Kanpur
Ram Priyadarshini R. (PhD student)
KinjalDasbiswas, University of California, (MSc (Int.) 2007)
Kamesh Ramakrishna Aiyer, Retired (BTech EE 1974)
AshvinVishwanath, Harvard University (Integrated MSc Physics 1991-1996)
Kajoli Banerjee Krishnan (MSc 1983-85, PhD 1985-1989)
RohanGokhale (presently student, IITK).
- V. Ramana, Professor, University of British Columbia, (Integrated MSc Physics 1983-1988)
Gautam I Menon, The Institute of Mathematical Sciences, Chennai (2 year MSc Physics (1987-1989))
Lokendra Surya (B.Tech. 2009-13)
PremaRajagopalan, Assoc. Prof, Department of HSS, IIT Madras (Ph.D 1984-92 Department of HSS)
Ishwardeep Singh, (B.Tech 2004)
Farhan Ali, B.tech. (2000-2004)
Siddharth Singh, PhD Scholar
SaikatGhosh, IIT Kanpur (Faculty, Physics)
NitinSrivastava, CEO, Mindworks Global Media (B.Tech, 1994)
Karishma Jain, University of Cambridge, (MSc Integrated Chemistry 2000-05)
Note: For a biography of and an article by sudhabhardwajsee https://goo.gl/J6F9kK